Sunday, June 15, 2014

June 16-22

As the temperature climbs, it is important to stay hydrated.  Drink water throughout the day and bring a water bottle to every run.

Here is a look at this week's run schedule:

Monday:  Meet at English Landing Park from 7-8:30 am for strengthening exercises and a group run.  *Experienced/Varsity Runners:  4-5 miles; New/Casual Runners: 2-3 miles. 

Tuesday (optional)Meet at the Park Hill track at 7:15 *Runners: up to 3 miles

WednesdayMeet at the Park Hill Track from 7-8:30 am for strengthening exercises and a group run. (optional:  weight room; finish at 9am) *Experienced/Varsity Runners:  4-5 miles; New/Casual Runners: 3-4 miles. 

ThursdayMeet at North Heartland Community Church from 7:30-8:30 pm for a 3 mile group run

Friday (optional)Meet at the Park Hill track at 7:15 *Runners: up to 3 miles

SaturdayMeet at E.H. Young Riverfront Park (in the back parking lot) from 8-9:30 am *Experienced/Varsity Runners:  6-7 miles; New/Casual Runners: 3-4 miles.

Weekly Mileage Totals:
*Experienced/Varsity Runners:  21-26 miles; New/Casual Runners: 12-20 miles. 

Ray-Pec Invite Information

Results from Saturday’s competition can be found here: This week we will run at the Ray-Pec...