Sunday, June 14, 2015

Summer Runs Week 3: June 15-21

Information for the week:

Distance Goals for the Week: 
New Runners:  10-15 miles
Veterans: 25-28 miles

Monday:  Park Hill High School--new runners: 3 mi; veterans: 5, mi followed by weights
Tuesday:  On your own--3-4 miles
Wednesday:  English Landing Park--new runners: 3 mi; veterans 5 mi
Thursday:  Aquatic Center
Friday:  Line Creek Trail (Gower and Waukomis entrance)--8 mile long run
Saturday and Sunday:  new runners: 3 mi; veterans: 6 miles  (can be broken into two 3 mile runs)

Ray-Pec Invite Information

Results from Saturday’s competition can be found here: This week we will run at the Ray-Pec...